What To Do When Alexa is Not Playing Music – Common Issues

What To Do When Alexa is Not Playing Music - Common Issues

Are You facing problems with your Alexa? Is your Alexa Not playing music? Are you having difficulty while setting up Alexa? Well, if that is the case then this article is for you.  


There is nothing more relaxing than listening to your favorite songs or music. When you have equipment like the Echo dot, you can listen to your favorite music using your voice command.  


If you are aware of the right commands, you can enjoy many functions as well as your favorite music. Alexa is really smart and can book uber rides, order a Pizza and can do much more than you can ever imagine. 


There have been complaints regarding that Alexa is not playing the music when commanded by the user. The problem has seemed to frustrate a lot of users. There have been various common problems that have been reported by Alexa users on a regular basis. 


Today, We are going to provide a solution for the common issues which are faced by the users on a regular basis. 


Alexa is not responding:

If your device’s wake word is Alexa and it is not responding, then it is very likely to have to one of the most common issues. 


Before you are going to troubleshoot, make sure your device is connected to the internet. It can be the case an unplugged Echo or the internet outage is why Alexa is not working. If there is a solid red light instead of a blue one, then it can mean the microphone is turned off. 


You need to press the microphone button to turn it On. If you own multiple Alexa devices, then a wrong device might hear and respond to the magic word. The device uses a system of Echo Spatial Perception, which determines the device closest to you, which is why the wrong one might respond. 


Alexa plays music on the wrong device:

Do you want Alexa to play music in a specific room but it starts to play music in the other room on a different device? Well, this problem arises from how the Echo devices are grouped. The devices sometimes get confused and Alexa ends up waking some other device. 


To solve this problem, you need to contact Alexa customer service as soon as possible for U.S. We are going to help you as you regroup the devices and ensure that no wrong device has been selected. Otherwise, you will be facing the same problem again and again. 


Streaming issues on Alexa devices:

A user may face intermittent internet issues or a low bandwidth issue which is why you can face the streaming issues. Following the right troubleshooting steps with the right tech experts can help you resolve the issue. 

Try these steps before:

  • Turn off the unused devices that are connected to the Wi-Fi. 
  • Move the right device closer to the wireless router and away from the walls. 
  • Turn off the modem as well as the router
  • Wait for at least 30 seconds and then restart the modem as well as the router. 
  • Turn the Alexa Device off and then turn it back on. 


If this does not solve the issue, then you need to contact our tech experts. 


Alexa is not connected to Wi-Fi:

You can also face the issue where your device cannot be connected to the Wi-Fi. After all the efforts, you need to have to troubleshoot the issue in Alexa’s settings. 


To solve this issue, you must get in contact with Alexa tech experts at Alexa helpline.


Our tech experts are experienced and are available 24/7 to help you out any problem that you face with your Alexa or Echo devices.


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