How to solve Amazon Echo Registration Failure Error Quickly?

Echo Error 10:2:12:3:1

Amazon Echo is a voice-enabled device which can do a variety of tasks on single voice command. You can get customized entertainment, control your smart home devices, manage your content, make calls and do many more things with Alexa. In short, Alexa is your friend.


When you buy an Amazon device, the first thing to do is to register your device with Amazon. It can be really annoying when you are very excited to use your device but suddenly it displays an error stating ‘Amazon Echo Registration Failure’.


This error is also known as Alexa device error 10:2:12:3:1. But do not worry; in this article, we will explore the solution to registration errors with reasons.


Reasons for Echo Registration Failure Error

The main reason behind your Amazon Echo registration failure error is because Amazon thinks that this device does not belong to you. It can be a precautionary measure taken by Amazon. Here are common reasons due to which Amazon Echo Registration error can occur:-

  1. Because your Amazon device is malfunctioned. In that case, contact Amazon support for replacement of the product.
  2. Maybe your device was reported stolen or lost in the past if you purchased your Amazon device from a third party seller.
  3. The product was shipped with a duplicate serial number.
  4. Your device is still registered on the previous user’s account.
  5. It was a gift and the buyer did not mention it to Amazon.


Basic information for Amazon Echo Registration

Before we begin troubleshooting you must make sure that you have all the information and updates in place for the registration. Here is a list of specifications recommended by Amazon that you can check:

  1. Device updates: Your registration process may have failed due to using the old version of the software. Make sure that you are using the updated and latest version of the software and firmware before starting the registration process.
  2. Login Credentials: Ensure that you are using the same login credentials for registration that you used while signing in to your Amazon account.
  3. Email filters: Amazon sends email for authentication purposes and confirmation of product registration. Make sure to check your inbox as well spam/junk folder to confirm the registration.
  4. Internet Connection: Ensure that you have minimal bandwidth requirements for running Amazon Echo device so Alexa can work efficiently.


Guide to Troubleshoot Echo Error 10:2:12:3:1,

Once you have fulfilled all the requirements for registration, follow this Echo registration Failure guide step by step to solve Echo Registration Failure Error:

  1. Unplug the power adaptor from your Amazon Echo device and restart it again after 5 seconds.
  2. Turn off your modem or router and make it rest for 1 minute and switch it back on. Try to register your device again once the Alexa speaker is back online.
  3. If restart doesn’t seem to work then reset your device. At the base of your device, you will find the ‘Reset’ button right next to the adapter. Force down the ‘Reset’ button and hold it for about 5 seconds. The LED light will confirm you about the restarting process. Wait for the orange light to appear and your echo device is reset by now.  Open the Alexa app and try again the registration process.
  4. You can also try to register the Amazon Echo device using different Account.


As you follow these steps, you will surely be able to resolve this error.


But if you are still unable to fix the Amazon echo registration error, visit our website at Smart Device Helpline for Instant help!


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